I started this back when we were living in Saudi Arabia so that's 2001 or so. And it stalled out for a couple of reasons: a major miscount, I HATED the frame I was using, 9/11 happened, my husband needed medical care in the US, and we ended up moving in 2002! This is where it stood until last night:

I spent last night taking it off the stretcher bars, fitting it into Q-snaps, and ripping out the two pale gold pieces in the upper left and right --- turns out there are three different colors using similar codes and I misread the table! AAACK! Restitched in the appropriate color (which is a blend --- double AAACK!):

Well, it's good for it to see the light of day :) Quarter stitches on aida; umm, yeah - that was all I could get when I started XStitching years ago - and TW'S Unicorn is on black aida, and I think her Fall Carousel is on 14 aida, or maybe fiddler's cloth. But then, the only needles I ever had were regular sewing sharps, so no issue getting right through the middle of each square :) Can't wait to see this one develop :)