Progress is slow this week. I did get the weekly TAST finished and the July CQJP block as well... but ontherwise, only a few beads were stitched on the June BJP butterfly:

Coming up in the near future is submittal to the fair (July 27,) Quilt Day at the fair (I volunteered to help set up, on August 1), that "Messy Beading" mini-class in August sometime, and another quilt guild work day September 14. Also, at quilt guild Thursday night, I picked up the charm square that needs to be part of the challenge block for retreat (that's October 11-12-13) and I sat down over the weekend and pulled fabrics to create a suitably "blinged-up" block for submittal (the retreat theme is "Bling it On"). Today, I placed an order for some bling to add to it as well. I also placed an order for a full yard of hadn-dyed fabric (it WAS pricey) to stitch the "Roll Your Own" InkCircle mandalas on, as well as the thread I was missing for the color way I chose (would you believe more blues and greens on a blue/green/purple fabric called Iris Garden which I have used before, for the Sumptuous Embroidery class; Tropical Ocean is the color palette I chose to work with! I must really like that color combination, after all last year on "Birds of a Feather" and "Kimono - Revisited"!!!).
Quilt guild also issued another block challenge for January 2014 --- and handed out the instructions. I think I might just tackle that, using fabric and the like from my stash, although who knows, I may fade when that deadline rolls around. After all, it requires applique...
Otherwise, this week, "Midnight Garden" never got out of it's project bag and the 2102 color palette/crazy quilt journal/bead journal project wall hanging is gathering dust as well. Thank goodness, there is no TAST this week and I have all the crazy quilt blocks for the rest of this year's CQJP pre-assembled and planned out. Otherwise, I'd despair of ever catching up!