"What stitch-a-longs (SALs) are you participating in this year?" I have completed one 8-week SAL from Stitchonomy (see completions, below). I am working on one year-long SAL from Fox & Rabbit (see WIPS, below). Also, I have one long dormant SAL from Elizabeth Almond which I hope to work on (see WIPs, below). I don't have any other SAL plans at the movement, but that doesn't mean one or two might not pop up and hook me later this year... ~~~~~WIPS~~~~~ 1. Elizabeth Almond's "Save the Stitches". My long dormant SAL: I started it in February, 2014, but by the end of summer, 2014, it was languishing. As near as I can tell, I didn't pick it back up again until 2021 when I started in again in November, stopped, took it back up in March of 2022, and stopped again until January 2024 when I actually persisted through September 2024 as a part of a complex rotation with a series of SALs from other sources.. It went back into the unfinished pile when construction activity in our house made my stitching room (AKA bedroom) inaccessible for two weeks and the entire rotation came to a halt. I have hopes that I will be able to pick this up again and finish it --- there isn't that much more to stitch, but I still haven't progressed since my last post. no photo to show. 2 "Cloister Garden", a year-long SAL from Fox & Rabbit. Parts 1 and 2 are stitched on white 28ct Jobelan using DMC 597, 931, 992, 3910 for patterns, 3750 for “borders” , all to coordinate with DMC 4030 (the leaves in this installment). Part 3 is due to be released on February 28. ~~~~~Completions~~~~~ Completed February 14, 2025. Stitchonomy "Christmas Market" 2024 SAL. Stitched using fabric and DMC floss provided in kit. Personalizations (other than miscounts and resulting fudging) were selecting gold bugle beads from my stash for the tree garland (instead of the multicolored ones included in the kit), pacing them with gold seed beads. ~~~~~ On the non-SAL (and inactive SAL) front:
and that is my February report! Happy stitching, everyone! |
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