Anyway, here is my progress on "Garden Stars":

The top row (four pages) of the 16-page chart are complete now and I'm plugging away on row two. What is intriguing to me is the details that start "popping out" as I stitch. I couldn't tell from the chart that there were bees in that dark motif to the top right of the big green star! And that the neon green piece in progress to the right center was oak leaves and acorns until AFTER I started stitching!
BJP is on hold, awaiting those beads I ran out of. Funny thing is, the beads I ordered for March, August and December are here now and calling to me! AAACK!
I had to go look & look to see the bees - Ahhh, there they are :) Tracy is so good at putting motifs inside motifs - on BoInk, one of the sections looks like either aliens or frogs, depending on the color scheme :)