Thursday, July 7, 2016

Week Twenty-Seven, July 7, 2016

When I reported in last week, we were in Louisville, KY, at the National Hermerocalis Society National Convention and the hotel room was less than salubrious re stitchery. Not a comfortable sitting situation and the lighting was atrocious. I was thankful that I had my needlepoint traveling kit with me as it was way easier to see the weave than cross-stitch would have been. Still, I had to bring out my magnifying glass to check sometimes to see if, indeed, that was a stitch that needed to be put in!

I put in three days of stitching and the third color in the inner border is now roughly 75% complete (the two sides and the top):

When we got home (Sunday), we had houseguests arriving — they got here roughly 30 minutes after we did - so there was no stitching for the next two nights. But I did manage to pull out “Return” of the Roll Your Own Mandalas and complete color 7 (of 12) and roughly 50% of color 8:

An eye appointment, and the likely dilation of my eyes, means o stitching today, but I hope to be back on track with “Return this coming week. 

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