Saturday, August 25, 2018

WIPocalypse Check-in, August 26, 2018

This month's topic for discussion is:

"Which is more satisfying to you and why – the process of stitching a piece, or the finish?"

That's a tough question for me to answer... it's almost like those polls which don't give an answer that is right for you!

For me, the satisfying part is the beginning: the picking of the chart, the floss, the fabric and embellishments (if any) and setting up for stitching. (can you tell I'm a stash builder? I love browsing the designer sites and the needlework supplies stores online, and when I was actively stitching, my budget was often screaming. Even now, when I'm not stitching, I'm still acquiring the latests charts and kits from my favorite designer...)

As for the stitching itself, the start is fine but, if the piece is a big one (and for me, it usually is/was), I soon tire of the piece and it becomes a chore to stitch... until I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Part of that is due to the fact that there are now pieces lined up in my head which I would rather be working on (the results of that original stash-building exercise overlapping with a slow-moving piece which shows little "progress" despite the amount of time spent o it. You know the kind --- the  ones that don't look like anything at all until a certain amount of stitches have been put into it).

So I guess finishing is the most satisfying part, even though it is sometimes a let-down after all that work (sort of like that let-down when you finish a really good book and discover that it is the last one in a series and the author is not writing them anymore - that is, the author is dead!).

Can you tell I'm conflicted?


Progress this month? None, although I have been thinking about it. I even went so far as to buy a special project bag for the needlepoint pieces I want to start AFTER I finish the two WIPs/UFOs in my project bag...

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