And I was a BAAAAD girl. We stopped at Needle in a Haystack in Alameda on our way to the airport and I spent WAY too much money! Bought a sampler pattern, some Needlepoint, Inc silks and a custom painted canvas! Oh my...
Thanks for visiting my blog! This is where I'm going to post pics of my stitching. Enjoy your stay! Note: Please do not ask me to send charts to you electronically; I respect and adhere to copyright laws, and in so doing, to send you an electronically reproduced chart would put me and you in violation of those laws. Similarly, I will not request charts from visitors to this blog.
No photos (sorry) but I am well into a Stitch & Zip kit for an ereader case. You can see what it should look like finished --- I have the word coffee and the background to do yet: http://www.stitchandzipkits.com/products/Coffee-Break-Kindle-Case.html
I mentioned last week that I have two other needlepoint pieces with me - a small ornament from a Janet Perry bargello club and that old stand-by, the palm tree piece from last October's cruise! No progress on either...
Sorry --- no photos to share. Did take a picture of "Harvest Sampler" but forgot I wasn't bringing my laptop so...
Edited to insert photo:
Have sorted the thread for one of my travel needlepoint pieces (I brought three) but haven't had a chance to take them out again.
When we get to our final destination and there is only my husband's laptop to deal with, I'll see what I can do about photos. Otherwise, I'll just post words and update later with the appropriate photos.