Friday, April 29, 2011

WIP myself into shape, Week 17 - a day early

Well, here it is, the current state of Palm Tree Elegance:

As you can see (maybe) the leopard spots in the bottom outside border were all I managed to work on...

And I was a BAAAAD girl. We stopped at Needle in a Haystack in Alameda on our way to the airport and I spent WAY too much money! Bought a sampler pattern, some Needlepoint, Inc silks and a custom painted canvas! Oh my...


  1. Nice work - that's going to be very pretty!! I get newsletters from NIAH - is it as awesome as it looks?

  2. NIAH IS as awesome as it looks. I could really be in the poorhouse if I bought everything I was attracted to. It's so cool to be able to actually see all those floss colors in the real world, instead of on screen! And if I had let DH loose, we'd have owned a lot more custom-designed needlepoint canvases!
