Got interrupted not only by heat but also a power failure on Saturday which not only made it impossible to stitch (in the dark) but fried my DVR as well (And I stitch with television on in the background! So this piece will NOT have good memories associated with it, I fear...
I got out three possible kits last night to start and was overwhelmed... The sampler I bought at Needle in a Haystack ("Time Well Spent" from Sampler Cove) does indeed use NPI *and* 1/3 is white work, including hardanger! I have NEVER done hardanger before... so this will have to wait until the kit I ordered from Gift of Stitching's close out sale comes (a hardanger course).
Then I pulled out a Candamar kit called "Sewing with Mama" (I liked all the embellishment stitchery) but my gosh --- the chart is so hard to read: very tiny symbols and very faintly printed... can we spell overwhelmed?
So I think I have settled on another blackwork mandala from Elizabeth Almond that was in GOS... I have it kitted so...
Of course, there is always August BJP --- and I have finally gotten around to printing out three more bargello patterns from Janet Perry's Bargello Club 2011...
Decisions, decisions, decisions!
FABULOUS finish - I hope the bad memories fade quickly, because that is just gorgeous!!!! I love Sampler Cove designs - but have never done one - I didn't know she had one w/hardanger on it! I'll have to go look closer at that one! Sounds like you have plenty to choose from - I don't envy your decision. Much :)