I started outline "Kimono-Revisited"! Now I'm not close to done, three skeins of Kreinik 5003 later, and the number of times I have had to rip out because of miscounts! AAARGH! Not that I haven't been a good girl. I gridded my fabric and tacked it to a frame (still having tension issues so I will likely re-tack it after the outline is done), and I copied the chart and counted and numbered the outline TWICE! And still found that I missed one little stair step of 5 x 3 stitches! You can see the shadow of where THAT one was ripped out because I was almost finished with the top half of chart 1 when I found that! I have a few more miscounts but for the life of me can't find where I went wrong (I'm going cross-eyed trying to read that tiny chart and count on over-one 24 ct congress cloth!) and since they aren't "significant", in my opinion, I'm leaving them (Please don't tell the teacher! LOL).
So here is a week's work on "Kimono-Revisited":

*Tonight is a lost cause for stitchery since I have free tickets to Shen Yun, a Chinese dance troupe, and I am going!
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