Saturday, May 26, 2012

2012: A Year of Challenges - week 21

Well, I stitched away on "Ornaments ala Round" and when I got to the long skinny one at "9 o'clock" on the wheel, it was one row too close to the one below it. Now, with all the frogging I have done to make SURE everything was placed correctly, I have a massive mistake I can't locate/ Which means I will HAVE to fudge those evergreen branches unless I want to rip out all the way to the beginning. AAARGH! So, I stalled out. It's pretty clear I'm not going to get this done in time for the fair ( way too much left to stitch on it, the fair is the first of August, sign-up is usually in June sometime, and it will need to be framed as well).

Here is where I stalled:


  1. ARRGGGHHHH!!! It's one thing to have a mistake, but then, to not be able to find it - been there, done that, but at least, in most of my cases, I have the ability to just fudge all the way across (Teresa Wentzler's are very fudge-forgiving :) ) Put it down, let it think about what its done, and when it comes out of time-out, it'll be clear. Er. Maybe :)

  2. Yeah --- "maybe" is right! But I will MAKE it work, darn it as there is just too much to frog!
