Speaking of Take of Stitch Tuesday, week 23 was a "break" week with a mini-challenge to take any eight stitches from the previous 21 weeks and do some "eye candy". Not sure if this qualifies but it does include 13 stitches (from left to right: couched stitch, chevron, herringbone, Cretan, chain; a bouquet of flowers using detached chain, buttonhole, stem, satin and French Knot stitches; running stitch, crossed buttonhole, and chained butterfly), all on "Desert Sky" 28-ct Linen::

To be honest, this is my second attempt --- my first was such a failure ( a true meltdown!), I ripped it all out and let it stew a day or two. But I accomplished it finally!
So today --- do I satisfy my conscience and do a little on "Kimono" and a little on my crazy quilt journal? Or do I start the metallics on "Ornaments"?
Deadlines - hate 'em! But then, the closer the fair gets, the more productive I seem to get, so... I'm still debating going to one of ours - it'll have to be the one that's further away, as I haven't finished anything small enough to fit the other's size limitations. I have until mid-August to decide...
ReplyDeleteOrnaments looks GREAT!! Maybe you just need to set a rule, do the metallic on 1-2 ornies a day, then move on to the other projects. I would have to use those gingerbread men again on something - they are so cute :) I think your mini challenge came out wonderfully - some things just take 2 tries (or 10) :)