Anyway, I'm caught up again (except for "Kimono- revisited, of course), with the completion last night of the stocking for Mittens & Mini-Socks. It's called "One Singular Carnation" and is a bit larger than the others in the series given the pattern being stitched.:

Lesson 5 for the Stitch Guide class came through last night and I've read through it. So I'm keeping up with my reading but not really in a position to do a stitch guide for my painted canvas. I suspect, given the size, the shading and the detail, it's going to have to be be all tent stitch anyway - or put away for future generations to deal with... Big mistake in purchasing...
Coming up: July Color Palette will be posted tomorrow as will the July "13" for "Kimono - Revisited". And on Tuesday, there will be the start of the July installments for Take A Stitch Tuesday. Guess I need to get "Kimono" out and start on the June 13 and hope that I can get that out of the way and that when I do, I will be hearing siren calls from some of my kits-in-waiting.
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