Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Take a Stitch Tuesday 2012 Challenge - Week 8

The Chain stitch --- I have as many back-of-fabric issues with this one as with the Lazy Daisy/detached chain. Don't know why. Anyway...

I added three new GAST colors to the mix: Cherry Bark, Buckeye Scarlet (even though it pains me!) And Raspberry Parfait (# 0380). And added beads to the two examples on the right...

And February's "page" looks like this right now:


  1. Chain, on the rare occasion I've done it, I don't have too many problems with it like those %^&$# daisies :) Though I did do a LOT of crewel back in the day, and the main stitch there, the split stitch???, is essentially a chain, so I learned my tension there. I like the colors you've got going so far - and being a Buckeye myself, the scarlet could be called whatever; Wright State - green & gold. I only root for the Buckeyes to irritate the local MI fans :) Because it would seem I know more Yankees down here in GA than I did in OH...

  2. Weird thing is, as soon as I swtiched to the darker colors, my tension issues went away! Now isn't that odd?
