Monday, February 6, 2012

WIPocalypse 2012 - 2

This month has been an attempt at clearing the decks...

There have been completions - A Stashbuster Pyramid Stocking and Nana's Afghan; a Finishing Frenzy for a Butterfly Pillow, a "Coeur de Letters" pillow, the linings for three zippered cases, and two sets of curtain tie-backs;  four Take a Stitch Tuesday bands, and therefore an 8.5 x 11 "page" for January's TAST; and a Crazy Quilt Journal Challenge/Bead Journal Project/Color Palette Challenge block.

Meanwhile, I managed to get in a little stitching (all surface embellishment and not all that visible) on "Sewing With Mama!". Here's the start of the full moon: and here's today:

And I started - completed - a third Stashbuster project just last night: (OK, not quite "finished" - it's meant to be a mat in a picture frame so it needs to be wrapped around a card and inserted in the frame - which I have -  but I have to find the right weight card that can stand up to being wrapped with a relatively stiff needlepoint canvas...)

Also underway, but not finished is the February Crazy Quilt Journal/Bead Journal Project/Color Palette Challenge piece. The base block is pieced and some of the embellishment is attached. Beads, embroidery and more embellishment to come...

Unfortunately, I didn't quite clear the decks because another Stashbuster Club project and a Bargello Club Project arrived while I was stitching - both are kitted up although I am waiting for the canvas for Bargello Club - as did the threads and fabric for "Kimono-Revisited" (although I'm awaiting a special order for the outline thread and I discovered I don't have my stretcher frames any more so I need to go to Hobby Lobby today!)

And of course, Take-a-Stitch Tuesday and the Crazy Quilt Journal/Bead Journal Project/ Color Palette Challenge are ongoing...Therefore, my "decks" are as cluttered as when the moon started!


  1. Great work on all - the frame looks really neat!! Dontcha hate when all those projects gang up on you? LOL

  2. Wow! You have been one busy lady, Carol! I love the colors of floss... blues are my favs! ;)

  3. I seem to be a blue person too! My quilting instructor once told me it was my "signature color"! Funny, since red-orange is my favorite color when viewed on it's own...

    Funny, I feel busy but if you look at my completions so far this year, they are all "smalls" and I'm not usually a "small project" person... GOT to get back to some embroidery! It's screaming at me from all directions and yet all these small projects keep coming in...

  4. Congrats on your finishes. I can't wait to see more.
