Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Take A Stitch Tuesday 2012 Challenge - Week 7

Detached Chain --- I tried to get "arty" with a tree and falling leaves but it was too small to come across. Oh well...

I threw in some beads to spice it up a little.

Guess I'm not a big fan of detached chain because it made me tense --- the back of the fabric is  a mess as for some reason, I couldn't get the thread to tighten between stitches...

Crappy picture and for some reason, when click on, it gets all squashed up... Sorry!

Anyway, February's page looks like this so far - you can see the detached chains easier on this:


  1. Detached chain - Lazy Daisy. My nemesis - and of course, I have several to do in the current parts of Tuscany that I am working on... I think my only goal at this point is to make all 4 sections look the same, right or wrong :)

  2. So glad to hear I'm not the only one who dislikes this sttch! Up until now, I had always though French knots were my nemesis but I think I've mastered them now --- Lazy Daisies , not!

  3. I still have trouble with French knots! Lazy Daisies I learned when I was about 8, so they are easy for me. Carol, your new stitches look great!
