In the past week, I have completed a)
three Christmas ornaments on perforated paper, b) one rather tacky attempt at
TAST week 27, and c) the latest lesson from the
Stash Busters. I took my fair entry form (five categories this year so I won't make my money back, even if I won first in all five) in to the fair office and I paid my entry fees.
On Sunday, I started a new project which I have had kitted up for some time - "Birds of a Feather", designed by by Yvonne Horn of Papillon Creations which was published in The Gift of Stitching. I'm stitching this on 32 ct pewter linen (not because I think it's the right color choice but it was the only piece of 32 ct I had that was large enough):
The border is basically half-done now...
I also started on my July Color Palette/Crazy Quit Journal/Bead Journal Project:
Since it is so dratted HOT (100 before NOON, for gosh sakes ---I thought I'd left this kind of heat behind when we left Saudi Arabia!), I plan on stitching this afternoon after I get all my computer tasks done --- assuming, of course that my laptop stops dropping out --- so far, iPhoto has crashed twice and Safari once in less than 30 minutes!
Anyway on the stitching agenda today is "Kimono- Revisited" --- the instructor is getting antsy since it appears the entire class has slowed to a screeching halt on this thing, and has threatened dire consequences if we don't start posting pictures again!