And I just noticed --- check back on the previous couple of posts and note that nearly everything I'm working on is the same shade of BLUE! AAACK! N WONDER I'm getting sick of Kimono and slow in Birds! It's the color! Gotta be!

Thanks for visiting my blog! This is where I'm going to post pics of my stitching. Enjoy your stay! Note: Please do not ask me to send charts to you electronically; I respect and adhere to copyright laws, and in so doing, to send you an electronically reproduced chart would put me and you in violation of those laws. Similarly, I will not request charts from visitors to this blog.
Oyster stitch - never heard of it! It is a cool effect, though, and I love that blue :) I have to make myself NOT pick stuff up because it is purple or red, so your blue theme is understandable :)