Monday, July 23, 2012

International Hermit & Stitch Weekend, July 2012

This weekend, I stitched, and completed, two stitching tasks!

The first was the July installment (sections 66 - 78) of "Kimono - Revisited":

which means I'm all caught up with that class.

And the second is the sock portion of the July "Mittens & Mini-Socks" class from Janet Perry:

Same threads as for the mitten but a slightly different auroral "wave" from the same photograph.  Still have coverage issues with that navy...

I also got in a few stitches on "Birds of a Feather" - the outside border is now about 2/3 complete:

In all, a productive weekend!


  1. Yeah, I'd definitely call that a productive weekend! Kimono looks really great - I'd love to see those stitches in person! You have such a good variety of projects!

  2. Carol, that kimono is amazing. I just love the colours. And great stitching on your other projects - a successful IHSW.
