Thanks for visiting my blog! This is where I'm going to post pics of my stitching. Enjoy your stay! Note: Please do not ask me to send charts to you electronically; I respect and adhere to copyright laws, and in so doing, to send you an electronically reproduced chart would put me and you in violation of those laws. Similarly, I will not request charts from visitors to this blog.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
2012: A Year of Challenges - week 17
Didn't stitch a stitch on "Kimono-Revisited" and there are only three more stitching days to catch up with April before the May instructions come out.. And one of those days (Today) I spend the afternoon at the library book sale. Looks like I'll still be catching up in May!
Friday, April 27, 2012
A Stash Buster completion

Miscellaneous solid and variegated DMC floss with a "blanc" background. Another experiment in "random" --- you'd think I'd be getting better at that but I'm still not comfortable with "random"!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Take A Stitch Tuesday 2012 Challenge - Week 17

And here is April's completed "page":

Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Here's the matching mitten for the Lime Ade sock...

I did have the yellow floss in my stash, in abundance but I need to replace the green and the perle and the rayon and... my floss shopping list is growing! LOL
Monday, April 23, 2012
International Hermit & Stitch Weekend, April 2012

and March (14 - 26):

I took a break from Kimono on Sunday and did two Janet Perry pieces - Lesson 2 of Color Through The Ages (Ancient Greece --- threads used were all DMC: blanc, 310, 355, 3827 and 3838):

and Lesson 1 for Mittens & Mini-Socks Bargello Club (she called it Faded Violets; mine is more like Lime Ade! Threads used were all DMC: rayon 30676 for the "cuff", #5 perle 4060 for the variegated, and 727 and 955 for the second and third colors. And I ran out of 727 and 955!) :

I also did the floss toss for Stash Busters Club and for the Glendon Place "Ornaments ala Round" (would you believe that I didn't have full skeins for two DMC colors in this piece! Why is it, when I have such a huge DMC stash, I ALWAYS end up having to go to the shop and buy more?).
Saturday, April 21, 2012
2012: A Year of Challenges - week 16
This is where it was as of April 17 It was moving along quite nicely until I hit that purple below the green stripes - I misread the chart and, while it looked OK, it HAD had to be frogged - it was rayon and had to be cut out --- little fluffs of rayon all over the place! Needless to say, that slowed me down a lot):

I suppose I could consider working all weekend on this and catch up - it is International Hermit & Stitch weekend for April, after all, but I do so want to finish kitting up my three outstanding Janet Perry classes (Stash Busters only needs some canvas cut; Mittens & Mini-Socks needs a floss toss; Color through the Ages ALSO needs a floss toss) and that Glendon Place piece "Ornaments ala Round" that I want to do for the fair also needs a floss toss (I have the beads and the silk ---just need to get the DMC out, and some fabric too). Oh, and I made a major mistake last night. I was cleaning out my back catalogs and was getting ready to pitch them but I left the stack on the kitchen island before we left for the radio station for the phone bank (5:30 in the AM is NOT my best time for thinking ahead!). When we got home, hubby caught sight of the stack, especially the one on top (Nordic Needle) and a cover photo of a winter sampler ... darned pricey in my opinion, especially when you throw in the silks asked for (and Nordic Needle's prices for fabric... GASP!). Still, his response (my husband is an enabler) was "why worry about cost if you like what you are stitching? So... I ordered it (I'm easily convinced! LOL) and found a substitute fabric at Stitches 'n Things for about 1/3 the cost of what it would cost at Nordic Needle. Just what I need --- another BAP!
Friday, April 20, 2012
Take A Stitch Tuesday 2012 Challenge - Week 16

I was late posting today --- phone bank at NPR this AM meant I had to be up at 5:30 AM (AAACK) and that meant, when our shift was over, it was back to bead for me! Just catching up, and since today is the beginning of International Hermit and Stitch Weekend for April, I really need to get stitching! It won't help that I also agreed to participate in a book "club" on line about Anna Quindlan's latest (and got a review copy for my offer) so I need to really sit down and read it!
Oh, and Kimono is languishing, partly because I reached a "What color next" point and partly because I now have a Stash Busting Club, a Color Through the Ages lesson and a Mittens & Mini-socks lesson awaiting me, to say nothing of the Glendon Place piece I want to try to get ready for the fair in August! All these commitments are finally catching up with me... and Kimono pays!
Saturday, April 14, 2012
2012: A Year of Challenges - week 15

And I think I need to check my floss stash and get some lighter versions of those blues as it's coming out awfully dark... at least in real life! Doesn't look so dark in this photo.
What else did I do this week? Well, there was TAST... and quilt guild! I won one of the door prizes at guild (they are taking stash from ladies who have passed away or moved to nursing care and parceled it out into little bundles/packets/boxes for door prizes): a tin full of LARGE stainless steel safety pins!
Anyway, I THOUGHT this was International Hermit and Stitch Weekend for April but, as usual, I was off a week, but still... it got me started on Kimono!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Take a Stitch Tuesday 2012- week 15
Couldn't really see filling up an entire band with rows of stem stitch, though, so I played with a little free-form on the right hand side, and threw in some French knots and some satin stitch too, 'cause if you remember, last Saturday, I said I wanted to do more with the satin stitch...
More GAST threads --- Old Blue Paint for the band stitches on the left, with Brethren Blue for the whipping; in the free form piece - Butternut Squash and Buckeye Scarlet for the little satin stitch flowers, Old Blue Paint and Butternut Squash for the little stem-stitched blue "flower", and Blue Spruce, Shutter Green, Green Pasture, Forest Glade and Brethren Blue for the stem stitches "stems"!
Saturday, April 7, 2012
2012: A Year of Challenges - week 14

I could have done more, I suppose --- I have a done a lot of satin stitch in my crewel days and except for coverage issues with dark threads, I usually manage to pull it off without a hitch. But I'm not sure how much room I'll need for the rest of the month of April on this "page" so I'll reserve things like Satin Stitch flowers petals, etc. until the end of the month if I have space to fill.
This is on 28ct MCG Textiles evenweave, color khaki (I know, it looks pink to me!) and stitch with GAST Butternut Squash, Cherry Bark and Buckeye Scarlet.
Friday, April 6, 2012
WIPocalypse 2012 - fourth full moon...
Take a Stitch Tuesdays - I completed assignments for running stitch, whipped wheel, barred chain stitch, and a mini-challenge. I finalized the March "page" and started kitting up for the next "Page" of stitches
Stash Buster Club - a completion of "Arrows" and started kitting up for "Tropical" sock (still need to cut some canvas and transfer the pattern).
Color Through the Ages - completion of "Ancient Egypt"
Crazy Quilt Journal/Bead Journal/Color Palette Challenge - April block completed.
Just lots of small things because I am putting off working on "Kimono - Revisited" (my only "true" WIP at present)! But...I did get the outline completed. A thread I ordered is on it's way though, so I'm rapidly running out of excuses!
I also want to stitch another BAP for the 2102 county fair --- their special category is "Twas the Night Before Christmas" and I have a chart for an ornament mandala by Glendon Place called "Ornaments ala Round" --- need to toss the floss and order some beads and Kreinik braid!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
CQJP/BJP/Color Palette Challenge for April

It's based on the grid pattern of block 47 from "I Dropped the Button Box" on Pin Tangle and the colors in the Color Palette Challenge from Patchwork Times. . Seam treatments are based on one of the Take A Stitch Tuesday 2102 series over at Pin Tangle (basically, "half" whipped wheels) with some chain stitching and blanket stitching as well. Beading (#6 and #11 seed beads) of the lace and seam treatments as well as the snail shell charm are for the Bead Journal Project for April.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Checking back in to say I did a fabric audition
Here are the fabrics I picked form my stash:

In order to keep at least one fabric in common with my previous (March) block, I kept the medium brown and instead of going in a pinky-orange direction, I went in a browny-orange direction instead. And the moldy greens became teal/sea blues instead.
And here is the basic block --- requiring only seam treatment embroidery and beads to be done!

Now to start stitching!
March's "page" for Take a Stitch Tuesday 2102

Color Palette Challenge for April is out today: Never in my life would I have thought to use a moldy pie as color inspiration! But off to find eight fabrics to make my crazy block... ANYTHING to put off working on "Kimono-revisited" (speaking of which, the next 13 stitches were issued yesterday! AAARGH! Now I'm THREE months behind!).