Monday, April 23, 2012

International Hermit & Stitch Weekend, April 2012

I actually did quite a bit over the weekend. In my post on Saturday, I showed where I had gotten on "Kimono-Revisited" on Friday night. Here is where it was on Saturday::

I am now caught up with the class assignments for February (sections 1 - 13):

and March (14 - 26):

I took a break from Kimono on Sunday and did two Janet Perry pieces - Lesson 2 of Color Through The Ages (Ancient Greece --- threads used were all DMC:  blanc, 310, 355, 3827 and 3838):

and Lesson 1 for Mittens & Mini-Socks Bargello Club (she called it Faded Violets; mine is more like Lime Ade! Threads used were all DMC: rayon 30676 for the "cuff", #5 perle 4060 for the variegated, and 727 and 955 for the second and third colors. And I ran out of 727 and 955!) :

Broke 3 needles --- at the eye, in my fingers --- on these last two pieces. Have no idea why --- I've never broken needles like that before! Kind of frustrating, though... And I was going to do a matching mitten for the mini-sock but ran out of both my secondary colors!

I also did the floss toss for Stash Busters Club and for the Glendon Place  "Ornaments ala Round"  (would you believe that I didn't have full skeins for two DMC colors in this piece! Why is it, when I have such a huge DMC stash, I ALWAYS end up having to go to the shop and buy more?).


  1. Wow - Kimono is really coming together! And these other two pieces are so cute!

    I have broken needles in succession like that - when I do, I put my stuff away and go read for a day or two, because I am clearly trying to muscle my way through something... :)

  2. I think you are right --- I must have been trying too hard... I could understand it with that rayon thread, but usually I don't have those issues with cotton floss... and it was ALWAYS the cotton floss in the needle when it happened. Hubby things I got hold of a batch of flawed needled! But since most of my needles are left-overs from kits, etc, there's no way to be sure ...

  3. Yeah, no telling what those might be - good ones, or... ones with a limited shelf-life. Who knows?

  4. Kimono is gorgeous and you got in some good stitching.

    Like the colours you used for the 2 smaller pieces.
